Monday, December 25, 2006

Who’s Affected, who’s Not?

I have been trying to evaluate the affect of the onslaught of organized retail on the shopkeepers of our region. The shopkeepers in India can be broadly classified the following categories…

1. Aware and wary of the Retail Onslaught
The people in this category are mainly the larger shopkeepers with ambitious growth targets and keep abreast with the latest developments in the industry. They participate in the race for the being a best retailer in any of the many possible classes. They keep in touch with the industry trends and benchmark the industry leaders and try to better them.

2. Aware of the Retail Onslaught and Not Bothered
The people in this category are those who have inherited their shops and clientele. They have always seen a steady flow of customers on their counters and find it hard to imagine that these customers will not come to them. In fact, some of the members of this category go to the extent of believing that the new organized retailers will find it difficult to survive in their traditional market.

3. Heard of it in the News
This is the group of people who regularly read the newspapers and keep up with the latest news on the radio and / or television, but strongly believe that the news does not affect them.

4. Not aware of any such thing
Last but not the least the un-bothered group. Either they are too small to care or do not have the resources / desire. They just do not give a damn to what is happening around them. They live in their own world and are not aware of what is happening in the world around them.

In which category would you classify yourself?

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